Training - Nursing and Therapies

Trauma Nursing Core Course

Please note that unfortunately, The Peninsula Trauma Network is no longer able to fund and provide places for TNCC, however, there are funding methods which trusts can apply for to secure TNNC training. 

Further details regarding the course can be found on the TNCC website


Trauma Intermediate Life Support (TILS)

This is a course that was originally developed by the Wessex Trauma Network and has now been adopted by the Peninsula Trauma Network. The course is currently being provided at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, Royal Cornwall Hospital and North Devon District Hospital. Torbay Hospital are currently investigating the possibility of running this course.

The course itself is a practical course based around the “what do we need to know and be able to do” principle.It is aimed at the junior staff within the ED department i.e. band 5 nurses, senior healthcare assistants etc. The courses are broadly laid out in a similar way:

  1. A theory session.
  2. Practical sessions that include handover, drawing up drugs, undressing, pelvic splinting, blood warmers, transfusion checks, trauma paperwork,
  3. Moulage/skills stations.

For places on this course please contact one the following:

TiLS Contacts
North Devon District Hospital Cherida Matthews (ED Sister)
Royal Cornwall Hospital Mark Jadav (EM Consultant) or Sophie Dews (ED Clinical Educator)
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital Gavin Best (ED Matron)


Collar Care 

Visit the Collar Care page to see the video clips on changing either an Aspen Vista or a Miami J collar in a sitting or lying position.



The Peninsula Trauma Network have been able to fund TCAR courses across the network throughout 2021 and 2022. 

More information on the TCAR Programme can be found here:

TCAR Program Description

Additionally, there is also information available regarding the PCAR course which can be found using this link:

PCAR Program Description


National Major Trauma Nursing Group

The NMTNG brings together nurses from all major trauma networks in England and also has representation from Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and the UK Armed Forces. The group aims to represent and develop national standards for trauma nursing from the point of injury through to rehabilitation.

The key objectives of the group are:

  • To engage all those involved in the provision of nursing services to severely injured adults and children to produce improvements in care.
  • To share common issues and best practice.
  • To develop standards for trauma nursing practice throughout the patient pathway.
  • To advise on local, regional and national guidance and commissioning related to trauma nursing practice.
  • To work in conjunction with and make recommendation to the National Major Trauma and Burns Clinical Reference Group and the Major Trauma Networks.

For up to date information and resources please visit the NMTNG website –